Tale of getting lost and waiting to be found...

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Speak up Sillypore people

Hi, readers who gracefully bestow me with your precious time, over viewing my little escapade to rediscover myself, that despite the erratic pace of the world you have come and join me in this long and arduous journey. Blogging is hardly any fun without being sweetened by your kind presence, that I must assure you, is gratefully appreciated.

Now, mindful that Internet media is inherently interactive in nature, may I request a more active participation on your part to enlighten me with your broader and worldly-wise perspective.

Please be welcomed to comment via the chat box that I copied from a friend’s blog site have installed for your convenience. And if you are attention shy, please feel free to exploit the cloak of anonymity to slam me post your views.

I thank you for your pious effort. if any


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