Tale of getting lost and waiting to be found...

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Orientation 2006

That day marked a new beginning for many. It was a day of first impressions. A day of pleasant surprises. A day of warm welcome into the RMIT family. And above all, a day where many saw their efforts for many weeks got paid off.

If you should have been there and you are, well, you might have had your first pictorial premiere here in the-sarcastic-guy-holding-the-camera’s blog. But hey, don’t be angry. It was a gay day, so be gay ok?

If you should have been there but missed it, it’s a shame. Although you have missed the bulk of the fun, but hey, it was a gay day and scroll down to see why… (Ok, you do know gay = happy right? If you don’t, maybe its time to proceed to www.gofuckyourselfgay.com)

The turnout was pretty impressive. I could only see a astounding sea of red.
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Bring the picture up full screen and maybe you will notice the difference between in the guy-girl ratio. Generally, most least(cos less guys mah...) of us are happy :P

Some of us had fun. The rest just had more fun.
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Photoshop the pocky away and this turns into a engagement ritual kiss. Eh why look so serious. Relax and enjoy lar.

While others are having it the serious fun way, others are like it done in the private.Image hosted by Photobucket.com
This is quality paparazzi material.

Let the councilors show you how it is done lar. See! So in the mood. Professionalism sia!
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Infidelity in the open!!! Still so happy somemore!!!

Those of us who did not get lucky still manage to have a splashing good time.
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Someone commented that we should have gotten them white T-shirts instead. Not difficult to see why.

Ironically, the key person who planned to get the freshies to mingle among each other prefers a quiet moment alone.
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Sleeping is ok but the snoring is not.

The event turn out to be great. A job well done by the student council.
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KK obviously agrees with me.

If you missed the 2006 orientation, don't fret. Come join the RMIT Student Council for more of the same. And here's another reason why you should.
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The most chio bu(s) in one single picture ever!

Want another reason?
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Join us because we are one huge family and we want you!